
Protecting habitats, promoting biodiversity


As a beverage manufacturer, Bionade GmbH, based in Ostheim, processes agricultural raw materials and water, and is aware of the direct influence on the natural environment and biodiversity. Biodiversity management is existentially important for the company and relevant to the company's core business.
Since 2012 Bionade has been implementing a biodiversity management strategy that increasingly tries to take the complex causal chains of ecosystems into account. In addition, as part of biodiversity management, Bionade takes responsibility beyond its direct sphere of influence and thus across the entire raw material supply chain.

All initiatives and collaborations are checked for biodiversity aspects. The “Diversity2030” initiative, founded in August 2020 together with the Biodiversity Foundation, has set itself following goals:

  • to green 17,000,000 insect-friendly square meters in Germany within 10 years
  • to promote environmental education by providing consumers, trade partners and partners along the supply chain with basic knowledge on ecosystems and species protection


  • Conservation and restoration of land ecosystems
  • Sustainable consumption and production


  • Organic refreshment drinks

Weitere Informationen

Neben dem Biodiversity Commitment engagiert Bionade sich bei der ‘Biodiversity in Good Company’ Initiative. 

Hierzu reicht Bionade alle 2 Jahre einen Fortschrittsbericht zu ihren Aktivitäten im Bereich Biodiversität ein.

Fortschrittsbericht Bionade 2022